• Hotel Matts
Kassiopeia.fi / Hotel Matts / a-Hotelli-info-Recycling

Hotel Info frontpage / Hotel Matts

Our rooms have the option of sorting garbage and we ask that you sort the waste appropriately.

You can leave bottles, cans and magazines on the table to make sorting easier. You can bring used batteries to the reception.

Bio-waste (food scraps, fruit peels, biodegradable dishes and cutlery) in the green bag.

Recycled plastic in the yellow compartment (plastic packages and wrappers, tubes, etc.).

Other unsorted waste (mixed waste) in a black bag. Trash cans for mixed waste can be found in the bathroom, dining room and living room.

Newspapers and other paper waste can be left on the desk.

Empty bottles and cans can be left on the floor next to the trash can.